Thursday, August 22, 2013

My first Blog post - It is 4 day from the start I wanted... As in life there are the starts we want and the starts we get. I am safely in Brazil and outside Sao Paulo. I have many great experience to share and a four day pad of posts. The internet is spotty and my days for filled.  Enjoy, comment, and forgive my grammar as I introduce you the Fraternity of the Poor of Jesus Christ in and around Brazil!

August 18, 2013

I stood in the kitchen at 12:15 last night eating cold chicken breast grilled that day, with buttered potatoes, homemade salsa made with tomatoes from my Mom’s garden, and a veggie tray. I wasn’t all that hungry, but I was taking in. I had been “taking it in” for a few weeks.  If saying good bye is part of a beginning, I had been beginning for a long time.

In 48 hours where would I be? How surreal would this new place be? How far away from this kitchen would I feel? 

In time I will know. In time that is what I will see. What an empty pursuit to rush along with my thoughts as I drip salsa on the counter and eat potatoes with my fingers. After 12 am it is all finger food.

I great energy came over me as I put everything back in the refrigerator. I sat at the computer and wrote. I wrote full of gratitude. I wrote with purpose. I wrote without fear. I wrote until I realized it was 3 in the morning.  What was I writing? To all those I couldn’t think of what to say in person, as it all bubbled up - I was lost in peace. A good place to be.

I walked into my room for the night and saw my 30 pound Osprey backpack stuffed to the zippers max.

Everything that fit would go. If it didn’t, I would toss it aside. I packed three times and each time removed more unneeded things.  I had a pile at the end that filled a medium sized box. I thank my parents for saving every type of hand bag, satchel, nylon conference show freebee, and computer case they ever owned, because I needed a separate carry on for my books. I have Portuguese translation books, The Bible, journals, two books by Paulo Calhano, and a kindle. They added up. I laughed and chose the leather one without a financial logo.

This is what I figure will be my home for the next 8 months.


  1. Sean,

    We are excited for you, and this journey that you've embarked upon.

    Vivat Jesus!

    Kevin Vaughn
    Grand Knight
    Council #1698

  2. So happy you made it down there, Sean! We sure enjoyed having getting to hang out with you the last few days you were in KC! Enjoy life, amigo!
